
由 vcmlab 發佈於 2024-06-03 18:24:30


由 vcmlab 發佈於 2022-10-20 15:02:21


[2021/9/8 JRS webinar] Cognitive Enhancement via Behavioral Interventins by Dr. Moreau

由 vcmlab 發佈於 2021-09-09 10:51:21

Topic: Cognitive Enhancement via Behavioural Interventions: Challenges and Future Directions

Speaker: Dr. David Moreau (The University of Auckland)

Introduction of VCMLAB

由 vcmlab 發佈於 2021-09-06 11:36:25

Introduction of VCMLAB

Visual Cognition and Modelling / VCM Lab Introducing Video 

 ▷ Highlights of each section

0:35 Introduction of prof. Cheng-Ta Yang and the lab

1:26 Technology applied in the lab

1:59 Lab project - tDCS Project 

2:37 Lab project - MOST Resilience Project 

3:26 Lab project - VR and MR technology Project

4:06 Lab Project - Decision-Making Project

中嘉新聞/雙子星.三冠王採訪影片:台日交流|台南-仙台文化週 成大歷史文物館登場

由 vcmlab 發佈於 2021-04-14 14:13:09

1100318~26 台南-仙台文化週 成大歷史文物館登場